Логотип ООО Купол

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Studying-consulting center "Distance"

To the general director of "Kupol", ltd. A.J.Dmitriev Studying-consulting center "Distance" expresses the...
ООО ПМП «Энергозащита»

There are no translations available. Генеральному директору ООО «Купол» А.Ю.Дмитриеву ООО ПМП «Энергозащита» в...
ОАО «Институт Гидропроект»

There are no translations available. Открытое акционерное общество "Проектно-изыскательский и научно-исследовательский институт "Гидропроект" имени...

Staff consulting

Staff consulting allows to reveal and reduce personnel risks and to raise performance's efficiency of the company and individual labor productivity of each expert also. Besides that, staff consulting promotes formation of positive image of the company and reaching new level of profitableness and acquisition of new competitive advantages of the company.

The "Kupol" company offers complex services in the field of staff consulting on the terms of full confidentiality. We provide operating and effective solutions of problems in a field of staff consulting to our clients. Cooperating with the "Kupol" company, you receive services of expert level and save your time which is necessary for realization of strategic plans on development of business.

Main services in the field of staff consulting, provided by the “Kupol” company are:

Settlement of conflicts assistance

Specialists of the "Kupol" company assist the settlement of intracorporate labor disputes and solution of conflict situations which have arisen inside staff or between staff and management. We will help the arguing parties to come to the conciliatory proposal with the minimum material and moral losses.

Making a non-material motivation system

Competently-made non-material motivation system, can become an effective tool of management, as well as material motivation. Together they form a necessary condition of effective work of each employee and increasing of loyalty of the personnel as a whole.

Complexity of making of non-material motivation system is in need of revealing requirements of employees and establishing connection between realization of these requirements and work performance. Differently, it is necessary to provide conditions that allow employees to get the greatest satisfaction from the professional work.

Specialists of the "Kupol" company organize individual interviews and carefully analize a current situation for the correct definition of non-material values of each member of staff. Complex research data allows us to develop effective and flexible non-material motivation system for each company. Labor productivity of the staff raises, rates of professional growth of employees increase, staff solute problems more operatively and qualitatively, making positive dynamics of efficiency of business and its profitableness provided - as a result of introduction of the offered system.

Formation of groups in a collective

Making groups of employees (associations, small by quantity of members, that are created on the basis of a professional, social or psychological generality) is required for the most productive work in collective. Presence of groups promotes formation of the solid team, where each member feels secure and realizes his importance both for group, and for collective. Relationships are the most favorable for work and atmosphere of mutual support is naturally established in groups.

Putting such aims for groups, that are important for the whole company, is one of the primary tasks in a field of forming groups . Corporate-oriented groups are the most useful and valuable for business. That's why professional control is important for initiation of formation of groups.

Specialists of the "Kupol" company investigate features of structure of company's staff and offer the given reason recommendations about formation of intercorporate associations for a labor productivity increase in a field of staff consulting services.

Top management selection

The selection of candidates for supervising positions has the certain specificity caused by psychological characteristics which are needed top-managers, - ambition, leader features, etc., - and also necessity of estimating expert's professional skills - that's why the recruiter should possess a very high qualification.

The "Kupol" company's specialists have a wide top management selection successful experience for the organizations of various scale from different branches of business. We coordinate mutual interests of the candidate and the employer and we reach the result in acceptable terms.

Staff selection

The "Kupol" company renders services in a field of staff selection both in existing and new divisions of the organization. These services include the curriculum vitae analysis, interviewing, testing, consideration of recommendations, formation of offers for each candidate who is meeting the requirements of company's business. Methods of the psychological and professional diagnostics, allowing to generate an effective team according to the put business aims, are applied during the employees selection.

Staff set

The "Kupol" company's specialists use the system approach including the analysis of requirement for shots, definition of accurate requirements to candidates, searching of potential employees, for the staff set. We will find the candidates corresponding to all set criteria, even in extremely deadlines.

Drawing up psychograms

Psychogram is an analysis of structure of activity and requirements which are shown by a concrete post or a trade to mentality of the person. Psychogram establishes necessary professional qualities and of their development level and signs of professional unsuitability. Thus, psychogram allows to reveal conformity or discrepancy of the employee and his position.

Basing on psychograms the "Kupol" company's specialists recommend post that isthe most suitable for each employee, a post for realizing the skills, abilities and personal features most widely to bring the greatest advantage to the company. Besides, psychogram allows to define prospects of professional growth of employees that brings a great importance for the further development of the company.

Data of psychograms and our specialist’s recommendations will assistant you to make an optimal personnel politics and to improve organizational structure of business that will be favorably reflected in the company's activity efficiency.